
marco rubio and jeanne shaheen warn government retiree program against

Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Jeanne Shaheen calling on the entity that manages the retirement funds for most government workers to avoid specific market index so as not to invest in companies under the control of People's Republic of China.. ..!/quality/90/?

impeachment or not, the intelligence community is the real loser

Intelligence politicization became the heart of controversy in the aftermath of Iraq War, where so much intelligence about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program turned out to be false or exaggerated. ..!/quality/90/?

no one should be surprised that the press sought to tie karen pence to

The dirty not-so-secret is that number of reporters see themselves more as being in the business of resisting Trump White House than keeping the public informed.. ..

the frontline interview: madawi al-rasheed

So, for example, from the perspective of U.S., Saudi Arabia is important to make Iran's influence shrink in Middle East.. ... Why did it take the murder of one journalist the kidnapping of Hariri, why did it take so long before people woke up to what Mohammed bin Salman was about.. ..

the frontline interview: hala al-dosari

So basically, it has very broad-term clauses that would consider anyone who would challenge the religious beliefs of the state or would challenge the authority of Ministry of Interior, for instance, — they might think of this as something that is crime. ..

your illinois news radar » new laws

Sarah Labadie, associate director of policy for Women Employed, nonprofit advocating for equal pay for in the workforce, said the main of the law is to restructure how companies pay their workers so that pay discrepancies are not perpetuated.. ..

news — culture wars

Willis said, So you do not hold much to the explanation of Christian, position he defended in pamphlet he sent to me.    ...  So what I said in my talk about Jewish of the civil rights movement and Jewish attempt to turn Negro into the in United States is a fortiori true of white..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.