
the immorality of nathan robinson's far-left american revolution

American that Robinson so detests. It's the exceptional example — the revolution that worked because its combatants and statesmen bound themselves to the strictures of enduring constitutional ideals.. ..

end of an era for eta?: may basque peace continue

Even so, Spanish governments during this time, both conservative and liberal, have not wanted to negotiate with Basque political parties. All of this violence was done in the name of independence for creation of Basque Country or Euskadi — the idea of secession of the so-called seven..

thousand oaks to allow homeless people to sleep on public property

The U.S Circuit Court of Appeals ruled September that it's unconstitutional for municipality to criminalize the act of sleeping outside on property when homeless person has nowhere else to do so.. ... The city's municipal code prohibits camping anywhere in the city unless individual receives..

the equality act would turn america upside down

By the so called democrat party, Left unsaid between the lines, this can be seen as one of the biggest attacks on the amendment and the rights of Christians. ... Just last week, Christopher Darden stopped representing California man charged with killing Nipsey Hussle because people were..

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