central european university forced to leave hungary

Despite all Europe’s talk about crossing so-called “red lines,” Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban’s government has yet again gotten away with assaulting basic European values and freedoms – this time, academic freedom. . ... Not doing so means shielding Orban and his party from the..

what foreign threats?

In it soldiers stationed far from home were treated to videolinks so they could talk to their families and everyone could nod and wish themselves holiday. ..

town hall discusses asian-american studies

If students who have already taken Lui’s lecture course have specific topics they would like to investigate, they should have an outlet to do so, Lui explained. . ... There’s only so much work that can be done at this pace.” . Hu, an organizer of the town hall, began advocating for..

the double standards applied to academic freedom

So far there is little or no evidence that a neutral Chair has ever been imposed on a pro-Israeli event, or indeed, any event that was not concerned with Palestinian rights. ... That may be why freedom is the principle invoked so forcefully on the Right these days – freedom in the sense..

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