
what does history tell us about 2020? not very much

That’s because Republican winner-take-all rules gave Trump a majority of national convention delegates, while Democrats’ proportional representation rules split the delegates among multiple candidates. ... Whatever your party, it looks like 2020 and 2016 may reinforce my longstanding conviction..

border: the migration crisis and the trump administration’s

Even as he reaches for more and more drastic threats to try to “stop” the flow of unauthorized migrants into the US — like the threat of a 5 percent tariff on all goods coming into the US from Mexico — it seems that the public (including fellow Republican politicians) have an ever harder time..

texas abortion bill proposes death penalty for women, physicians

Tony Tinderholt, a Republican, introduced the “Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act,” or House Bill 896, in January to 'protect the rights of an unborn child' but it was granted its first committee hearing on Monday and Tuesday. . . ... Republican Rep. Jeff Leach, chairman of the House..

president trump’s venezuelan strategy will backfire

During U.S election, 75 percent of white evangelical voters cast ballot for Republican Party in 2018 and 70 percent of the nones cast ballot for Democratic Party. ... To keep blacks voting Democratic, it's necessary for the party and its supporters to keep alive the idea that racism is America..!/quality/90/?

trump escalates war on states' environmental powers with order to spur

As matter, to address certain issues, said Tony Clark, Republican of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. ... Trump Environmental Protection Agency, for example, has proposed replacement for Obama's Clean Power Plan that gives more power to states to regulate coal plants, after..

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