
michael barone: oid political rules of thumb are yielding to even

Democrats are turmoil, panicking at the possibility of having enemies on Left, that House Democrats could not pass resolution decrying anti-Semitism of one of their own.. ..!/quality/90/?

cnn claims james madison called the electoral college ‘evil.’ he

The version is that Madison was referring to the certification by House and that he used the word evil to mean harm.. To be even more specific, Madison was talking about elections thrown to House. ..

2019 ny acker awards to be held march 26

The novelist namesake, in life and work, exemplified the risk-taking and uncompromising dedication that identifies the true avant-garde artist —. 2019 NY Acker Awards are to be held March 26 at Theater for New City.. Life Time Achievement Theater for New City Crystal Fields  Jan..!/quality/90/?

jerome powell calls for returning focus to the federal debt

By the public has risen to near, Deficit reduction has fallen from the agenda of Congress and White House in Trump era, even as the debt held$16 trillion and deficits have upward back to the trillion level. ..

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