muslim democrat apologizes after pelosi rebuke over

Ilhan Omar apologized on Monday for series of tweets which Jewish lawmakers had said given voice to anti-Semitic Jewish tropes, as Muslim Democrat from Minnesota never intended any harm... ... The statement from Pelosi and other top Democrats came soon as Republicans have been trying for..

rep. walter jones, n.c. republican who sharply opposed iraq war, dies

Jones was a conservative Democrat when he first ran to succeed his father representing the 3rd District in 1992. ... He is a Democrat, not a Republican. . Alex Johnson . Alex Johnson is a senior writer for NBC News covering general news, with an emphasis on explanatory journalism, data..

the progressive assault on israel -

When New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted recently about the “honor” of her “lovely and wide-reaching conversation” with Corbyn, it was a sign either of indifference or purposeful alliance that ought to profoundly alarm every sensible Democrat worried about the..


House Minority Kevin McCarthy said Saturday that he would take action against the two lawmakers if Democrats fail to do so. . ... Republicans, who hold the majority in the chamber, teamed up with more than half of the Democrats to approve the bill. . ..

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