police briefs 11-29-2018

Chelsea Firefighter from E1 and T1 under the command of Capt. Rogers responded to the scene. ... On arrival crews from E1 and L2 under the command of Capt. Brown observed the aftermath of a collision with a vehicle on the sidewalk that stuck a parked vehicle and stone front entranceway of..


elder holland meets prime minister theresa may, archbishop of

Elder Holland also spoke alongside Archbishop of Canterbury on panel blessed by the head of Catholic Church England, gave lecture to theology students in church at University of Oxford, participated in public interfaith conversation with reverend of the Church of England and more... ..


the humble libertarian: senate advances bill to end u.s. involvement

Whereas section 8(c) of the War Powers Resolution (50 U.S.C. 1547(c)) defines the introduction of United States Armed Forces to include “the assignment of members of such armed forces to command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of..

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