
china required to report meetings with americans

Chinese officials must give advance notice of official meetings with Americans around the country, requirement imposed by State Department officials frustrated by Beijing's restrictions on U.S diplomats... ... The notifications could be road map for such influence operations that have sparked..

lagrange’s police chief honored by st. thomas more society

The origins of Dekmar's apology was conversation overheard between two elderly African American in the department looking at black and white photos of police officers... ... In the presence of community, faith-based and government leaders, this historic marker was unveiled on March 18, 2017 by..

Not so ago, U.S was the sun for orbiting allies in alliances like NATO, Southeast Asian Treaty Organization, and Organization of American States. ... He had become, as I commented then, American leader or leader of recent times not to feel the need or obligation to insist that United..

american farming runs on exploitation

Three decades removed from the rollout of H-2A workers, American agricultural system is different racist carrying capacity (. ... there were 3.2 million white farmers and just 45,508 black farmers in 2017 — it's that he spends much time considering how climate change will affect Mexico or the..

all democrats are saying is, give war a chance

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were in their meeting with President Trump, protesting his announced policy of withdrawing American military in that country. ... In of virtue, the party has adopted the language of the ideology and is growing out of sync with American liberties. ..

blue-collar american
workers enjoy highest

In of virtue, the party has adopted the language of the ideology and is growing out of sync with American liberties. ... Democrat Party now represents the wealthiest citizens, while working-class Americans have flocked to Republican Party over the last decade, analysis finds. ..

a texas mayor defends the constitution from sharia law

In of virtue, the party has adopted the language of the ideology and is growing out of sync with American liberties. In frightening sense of déjà vu, American replicas of Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin, Clara Zetkin, and Rosa Luxemburg seeking to impose the moralities of flawed society..

But nato's original purpose is forgotten. nato's first secretary, Lord Hastings Ismay, described nato's goals as, Keep Russians out, Americans in, and Germans down.. Germany's second minister after World War, Franz Josef Strauss, wrote in his book The Grand Design European Solution to German..

today in history, october 17, 1931: mobster al capone was convicted of

John Burgoyne surrendered to American troops Saratoga, New York, of Revolutionary War. 1807. Britain declared it would continue to reclaim British-born sailors from American ships and ports regardless of whether they held U.S citizenship. 1931. ..

why trump’s middle east plan can’t work

As so often in the past, the cynical locals are manipulating a clueless outsider, advancing their personal agendas at the naive Americans’ expense. . . . ... Instead of focusing on Iran, the Saudis had duped Trump into taking sides in a local ideological contest, against another American..

ottoman cosmopolitanism and the myth of the sectarian middle east

No corresponding commission, after all, was formed to investigate the US and persecution of people of African descent or its extermination of Native Americans, the decades of French Algeria, or British of the anticolonial uprising India in 1857. . ... American Section of the 1919..

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