briefing by spokesperson for secretary-general

Secretary-General has appointed Helen Meagher La Lime of United States as his Special Representative for Haiti and Head of United Nations Integrated Office Haiti .. ... Over the weekend, the UN welcomed the announcement of the start of dialogue process between Government of..

around the bloc - 14 october

UN data cited by Global Risk Insights suggests continued population decline in many countries in Eastern and southeastern Europe, where countries like Bulgaria and Lithuania “lead” the world in population loss, mostly due to emigration. ..

richard kozul-wright

Richard Kozul-Wright Richard Kozul-Wright is director of Division on Globalisation and Development Strategies at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development... ..

oecd’s futile campaign against fat – asia sentinel

“The alarming signs of increasing food insecurity and high levels of different forms of malnutrition are a clear warning that there is considerable work to be done to make sure we ‘leave no one behind’ on the road towards achieving the SDG goals on food security and improved nutrition,” the heads of..

monday message board – john quiggin

Like most simplistic solutions I suspect that it's overstated simplistic, in this case, with added political opportunities for shifting blame for water woes onto environmentalists always plus for the current crop of conservatives.. ..

content: members page for marjorie cohn

The UN Could Save Amazon With One Simple Move Fires ravaging Amazon pose imminent peril to the million people and million species of animals and plants that live in the largest rain-forest. Candidates Must Commit to Immediate US Withdrawal From Afghanistan On July, United..

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