why this quiet decision on new york casinos may have a big impact

“The date changes for the Gaming Commission’s gaming market study should have no effect on the State’s ability to receive and thoroughly analyze comprehensive results, with the opportunity to still advance legislative proposals before the end of the 2020 session,' Clinton said in a..

joe biden is running as the anti-trump candidate, that failed in 2016

At the time, he's cast as politician who would restore bipartisanship Washington and as the likeliest one to beat Trump in the 2020 election.. ... That strategy failed, with Clinton's bid for the presidency crashing down Michigan and Wisconsin — very went for Trump.. ..

jeffrey tucker

June 19, 2019 Just like in 2016, President Trump appears ready to make Hillary Clinton's deleted emails election issue in 2020... ..!/quality/90/?

democrats icy on hillary clinton's 2020 wish: 'it is time for a

Democrats icy on Hillary Clinton's 2020 wish: 'It is time for a change' . by Robert Donachie ... Those comments came just days after her former top aide Philippe Reines laid out a rationale for Clinton 2020: 'She’s younger than Donald Trump by a year. ..

'i'd like to be president'

Former US Democratic Hillary Clinton is leaving the door open on 2020, saying that I'd like to be president... Clinton made the in recent interview amid increasing speculation that the secretary of state might launch another bid for the US presidency after the midterm elections.....;630;7;70;5.jpg

in new hampshire, a political fixture is on the ropes — and trump is

No sitting president ever stopped by to file for re-election, but Gardner has said Hillary Clinton promised to do so in 2020 if elected in 2016. . Clinton, of course, won’t be making that trip. And Gardner, 70, may not be there either, as New Hampshire lawmakers are poised this..

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