
more than 650 law professors sign letter stating kavanaugh lacks

More than 650 law professors, including 13 affiliated with Yale Law School and 21 with Harvard Law School, have signed letter to Senate arguing that Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because of his lack of judicial temperament... The professors pointed to Kavanaugh's where..

presstv-1000 law professors reject kavanaugh nomination

The law professors, including some from prestigious law schools such as Columbia, Harvard and Yale signed two letters to the Senate in which they argued that President Donald Trump’s nominee disqualified himself with his angry remarks to the Senate judiciary committee during the recent hearing..

former egyptian official discusses egyptian law

We should always fear what the government might accuse us of, Amr Hamzawy, member of Egyptian government elected told Yale students Wednesday.. ... The event was part of World Fellows program, which invites speakers from outside Yale community to discuss topics relevant to society today. ..

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