
trump reignites feud with press after midterm elections

White House press Sarah Sanders on Thursday defended the suspension of Acosta's credentials following tense exchange earlier when Acosta refused to yield the microphone to White House during press conference with the president... In response to Sanders tweeted,..

a study in breaking news headlines.

For Fox, Sanders was accused of sharing an allegedly  “‘doctored’” video of a neutrally-identified “interaction.” . For the Washington Post, the White House “shares doctored video” — no accusation, no scare quotes.   . ..

the constitutional crisis is upon us

In other news, yesterday CNN’s Jim Acosta was banned from the White House for doing his job, and today Sarah “Mouth of Sauron” Sanders released a doctored video that purported to show Acosta being aggressive with a woman intern who was attempting to take a microphone away from him..

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