1. trust in government: 1958-2015

Since the 1970s, trust in government has been consistently higher among members of the party that controls the White House than among the opposition party. ... Republicans express much higher levels of trust during Republican than during Democratic presidencies, while Democrats’..

rove avoids charges in leak

WASHINGTON -- Political Karl Rove, one of President Bush's most trusted aides, will not be charged in federal probe of potential misconduct in White House, ending three-year investigation.. It comes the mastermind of many of the president's political victories, would have helped fuel..

section 1: trust in government 1958-2010

The government confidence in 1992 hurt both parties, especially Democrats, and the continuing decline in 1994 led to Republicans gaining their first in House in four decades.. Republicans have been more trusting when there has been Republican in the White House, and..

what susan rice's white house promotion means

Politically, the administration has seen no upside to the Libyan intervention — it was criticized for recklessness by both Democrats and Republicans — and in a very political White House, these domestic considerations often take precedence. . . . ..

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