all-out nyt war on truth-telling

Its reporting on the war backing US NATO Israeli aims to replace Syrian with pro-Western puppet rule.. Time and again, it blamed Syrian and Russian military operations for invented crimes — again in its latest issue, claiming.. ..!/quality/90/?

european union opens the anti-assad playbook to deter turkish attack

By the in the war, That threat to deny financial aid draws on the playbook that U.S and European powers have used against Syrian Bashar Assad, as Western powers have refused to finance the reconstruction of cities destroyed. ... Turkey regards Syrian Kurds and Western..


TEHRAN - Tahrir al-Sham al-Hay'at dispatched military convoys to the demilitarized zone Northern Lattakia and Western Hama to confront Syrian Army as the army continued ground attacks and airstrikes on the terrorist groups military positions and movements in those regions.. ... It was for..

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