what is armageddon?

God asks in Ezekiel 33:11, “[W]hy will ye die, O house of Israel?” All nations will be punished, but God will punish the nations of Israel—primarily America, Britain and the Jewish nation—first. . ... Armstrong), but even wipe out the name of Israel from memory! . That is a..

election in israel ends in stalemate

This election shows that the policy and the annexation of West Bank are now part and parcel of Israel's political consensus. ... It surprises me that West talks about Israel's dilemma and forgets that Israel is in Middle East, and that this is not just about..

palestinians gain more control on the temple mount

The king of the north—these European nations that are bent on hatred for Israel—will ally with the Middle Eastern nations mentioned in Psalm 83 and lead them in an attempt to not only destroy the Jewish state called Israel (prophetic Israel also includes the United States and Great Britain, as you can..

the absurdity of land swaps -

Later, treaties with Egypt and Jordan established recognized borders between Israel and those countries. . ... Why should Israel be required to compensate the Palestinians for taking its own land? ..

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