this week at state: february 22, 2019

Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams led U.S to Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida and Cucuta, Colombia February 21-22 to support the delivery of humanitarian aid to some of the most vulnerable people Venezuela in response to Interim President Guaido's request. ..!/quality/90/?

the truth about democratic socialism

They invoked a provision in Venezuela’s constitution that allows the National Assembly to recognize its president, Juan Guaidó, as the interim president whose job is to arrange for a new election. . ..

will venezuela crisis split democrats?

And all of us waiting to see what the military will do and to make sure that we send very clear messages of our support for the people of Venezuela, for the president and for military leaders that are prepared to step up and bring down Maduro government... ..

venezuela: us attack imminent?

This article was posted on Friday, February 22nd, 2019 at 1 19am and is filed under, John Bolton, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Militarism, NATO, President Nicolas Maduro, Russia, Spain, United Nations, United States, US Hypocrisy, US Media, US Terrorism, US War Crimes, Venezuela... ..

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