fueling an empire

The significance of Europe and Africa's relationship is often buried in jargon, and at its most basic level, it's the story of European Union financing EU-style of African Union, all while making Africa more dependent upon Europe in the process.. African Union is working on..

how to resist the cultural turmoil of the trump years

From broadcast's military with SEAL Team, Valor and The Brave to revived classic sitcoms like Roseanne, the texts, discourses and political potentials within them pivot toward the archetypal values, evangelical tone and theology of Republicanism and the people. ..


The US announced its NATO ally's purchase of Russian system endangers the alliance's military intelligence, particularly in the development of F-35 jets, Ankara rejects.. ..

samantha smith's dream of peace and nuclear disarmament

Both America and Soviet Union were testing lot of nukes to which I told my family there was no need to test nuclear weapons obviously the cup will break.. Samantha Smith toured Soviet Union July of 1983, meeting Russian kids,  and became ambassador for peace and disarmament. ..

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