
'get over it': obama slams 'woke' people as 'judgmental'

There is this sense sometimes of 'the way of me making change is to be and that's enough, adding, 'If I tweet or hashtag about how you did not do something right or used the wrong verb. ..!/quality/90/?

eight times joe biden says he privately confronted strongmen

Biden “laughed when Maduro asked him to raise the price of oil (market didn’t work that way) and that if he wanted to talk he first needed to release political prisoners and negotiate in earnest,” Gonzalez said on Twitter. . ..

how the united states could lose a great-power war

Share on Twitter . By shifting the focus of defense planning away from a direct confrontation with our adversaries' apparent advantages, horizontal escalation and cost imposition have a superficial appeal. ... Share on Twitter . This means that even relatively aggressive U.S. horizontal..

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