5 things about this week (21 march 2019)

A futile gesture is better than no gesture (and a damn sight more useful than snarking about the uselessness of petitions on Twitter). ... Instead of, as I’d promised myself, weaning myself off Twitter, I’ve been scrolling ‘n refreshing like a news junkie to keep abreast of the..


trump tweet on golan heights surprises us, israeli officials

President Donald Trump’s tweet on Thursday recognizing the Golan Heights as Israeli territory surprised members of his own Middle East peace team, the State Department, and Israeli officials. . ... “We all found out by tweet,” one Israeli official said. “We’ve been lobbying for..


trump tweets 138 million killed in sri lanka blasts

President Trump offered his condolences to the victims of Sri Lanka blasts on Easter Sunday, did so with tweet that had high death toll statistic... ... Trump has made gaffes on Twitter in the past, and this one suggested 2.2% of the population had been killed.. ..


‘before you pity her’: pence press secretary mocked for dating

And before you pity her, asylum seekers as violent mob of migrants, and just accepted job working for Pence 🤦🏼‍♀️ pic twitter com aYUBnZ4xe1 — Linda Childers September 21, 2019... ... o the Twitter mockery, CNN contributor and part-time The View co-host Ana Navarro took..

sucking liberals into a new cold war

The Washington Post has as well reported that Twitter “makes it easy for users to hide their true identities.” ... In the midst of this “exposé,” The Post stated: “There’s no way to tell if you personally saw a Russian post or tweet.” ..


'Sixteen years ago, the US illegally invaded Iraq, leaving a trail of destruction and lives lost,' Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said on Twitter. . ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.