
Follow them on Twitter at @varshakoduvayur and @DavidSamuelMay. Follow FDD on Twitter @FDD. . . . . ..


women's march reduced to anti-semites, soviets, and sycophants

., apologized for quoting Alice Walker, writing on Twitter admitting that she was unaware of Walker's anti-Semitic statements and that she condemn and denounce anti-Semitism, prejudice and bigotry in all their forms... ..


And Iran is stronger than ever,” Zarif said in a Friday tweet. . Zarif also strongly criticized the Polish government for hosting the conference, reminding Warsaw of thousands of Polish refugees saved by Iran during the Second World War. . ..


native american group condemns trump's 'wounded knee' tweet

On behalf of Rosebud Sioux Tribe, I condemn President Trump's racist and tweet about this brutal incident, in. ... If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen, with husband dressed in full Indian garb, it..

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