
lindsey graham condemns impeachment coverage, says press is out to

Trump faced backlash for comparing his impeachment to “a lynching” on Twitter. ... Trump's tweet comparing the impeachment process to a 'lynching,' saying, 'This is a lynching in every sense. ..

the moscow project

Nevertheless, the 2012 election offered proof of his increasing influence within conservative politics, culminating in Republican nominee Mitt Romney actively seeking—and ultimately receiving—Trump’s endorsement, reportedly partly out of fear that Trump would launch a third-party candidacy... news forum

I suspect that President Trump used the word lynching in tweet to describe the efforts to impeach him knowing that it would evoke hysteria from Democrats accusing him of racism. ..!/quality/90/?

trump slams 'never trumper republicans' as 'human scum'

Republicans in Wednesday afternoon tweet, calling the dissenting members of GOP human scum... ... Those Republicans were still refusing to leave SCIF at the time of Trump's tweet... ..

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