kavanaugh show will help republicans in november

However, in 2014, Democrats lost only 13 House seats in the midterms, despite Barack Obama’s 44 percent approval, which isn’t far from where Trump stands today. . Republicans need to stand firm with the truth on Kavanaugh. That plus the great economic news in our nation will take them..

justice kennedy retiring from supreme court

Control of Senate is at stake in November elections, and Trump could find it difficult to get his choice confirmed.. Republicans changed the rules during Gorsuch's confirmation to wipe out the main delaying tactic for Supreme Court nominees, the filibuster, and the need for 60 votes to..

partisanship and political animosity in 2016

Yet Democrats’ thermometer ratings of Donald Trump and Republicans’ ratings of Hillary Clinton are lower – much lower. ... (For an analysis of Trump’s thermometer ratings among Republicans, see “More ‘warmth’ for Trump among GOP voters concerned by..

house gop passes tax cuts 2.0, favors rich, senate likely won't vote

Tax Cuts,Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,Tax Cuts 2.0,Donald Trump,Kevin Brady,Tax Policy Center,GOP tax law,Trump Tax Law . House Republicans just passed their huge 'Tax Cuts 2.0' bill, but it's probably dead in the water . 2018-09-28T22:29:51+02:00 . 2018-09-28T18:43:09+02:00 ...

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