god sent trump to invade iran

Trump administration is now fully unapologetically embracing Christian Zionism following the move of the US from Tel Aviv Israel to Jerusalem. President Obama, of Israel, never mind he continued to send billions of dollars year to Israeli government. ..

us calls off attack on iran

So, whatever the outcome of this immediate crisis over the shooting down of the drone, we're facing very real risks of cycle of escalation, without good face-saving exit ramps for either Trump or Khamenei. Iranians have large ballistic missiles and who knows if they will use them, for example..

day of wrath

Accordingly, 53 percent of evangelical Christians supported President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while 63 percent of the general U.S. public opposed to the move. ..


TEHRAN - To continue more President Donald Trump has gone onto Twitter to endorse Israel's of Golan Heights. ... TEHRAN - US President Donald Trump's statement Washington should recognize Israel's over Golan Heights may destabilize the in Middle East, the media on..

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