“we rely on our military”

That coincides with a great deal of interesting stuff which we are now seeing that the Democrats, Obama and Biden were involved with in Ukraine. The NSC has been quite hostile to Trump. His testimony is in contrast with the official memo of the call between Trump and the Ukrainian Prez: . ..

your illinois news radar » unclear on the concept

The SALT cap was eliminated by Republicans to try to force blue states to cut spending, to teach Democrats a fiscal lesson and yank them in line. ... . . - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Oct 29, 19 @ 2:26 pm: . == How can Trump/GOP supporters criticize anyone on fiscal responsibility..


judiciary committee and nadler to regain control of impeachment

Democrats rolled their eyes at Nadler's plan to investigate President Trump's hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels, while Nadler's hearing featuring former special counsel Robert Mueller was considered disaster.. ... Rather Democrats have leaked material to the media, ments..


‘i am a patriot’: army officer on white house staff to say he

His testimony will mark the time White House official will have testified who had listened to the phone call that prompted House Democrats to open inquiry into the president.. Democrats contend that Trump offered Ukraine quo on the call to investigate Joe Biden in exchange for..

how trump fucked the courts for a generation

While the Republicans have held the Senate since Trump took office, Senate Democrats haven’t exactly been blameless, either. ... But with some  exceptions, Democrats appear to be reaching their wits’ end, they have more recently voted for Trump-nominated judges in far..


With TPP enormously unpopular, with candidates Clinton, Trump and Sanders all opposed, with 83 percent of Democrats Congress voting against fast-tracking the agreement last year, Congressional session is the best chance for corporate interests to push TPP around the interests of democracy...

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