peace road map for afghanistan will let taliban negotiate women’s

CreditCreditYousur Al-Hlou/The New York Times “Afghan women have made it loud and clear that they want peace without oppression,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, the only woman on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. . The Trump administration, she said,..!/quality/90/?

new york times chief outlines coverage shift: from trump-russia to

Beyond that, Democrats on Capitol Hill struggled to press an obstruction case against the president. The Trump-Russia hole came up dry. . Now, Baquet continued, 'I think that we've got to change.' ..!/quality/90/?

sean hannity: sources say 'most explosive' part of doj review about

Republicans have argued Democratic benefactors and its anti- Trump bias were left out of FISA applications have demanded accountability. Democrats countered that FBI acted, saying Justice Department and FBI met the rigor, transparency, and evidentiary basis for probable cause... ..

the humanitarian hoax of white supremacy

The radical leftist hucksters in the Democrat party have repeatedly accused President Trump of being racist and a white supremacist. ... This is a very important distinction because it is what separates President Trump’s America-first ethos of individualism, from the radical..

ilhan omar is already changing washington

Would you support armed faction within Venezuela that engages war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide as you did Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. she later asked, referring to his in Central American juntas at the heart of Reagan-era Iran-Contra scandal.. ..

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