
john kasich: 'we expect more from the leader of our country'

Democratic attorneys general on Friday threatening massive with Environmental Protection Agency over Trump administration's rollback of Obama-era clean car rules... ... House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Va., wished both sides would condemn violence after series of suspicious packages..

bombing suspect arrested

Already the lunatics are claiming the fact that his van is covered with pro Trump and democrat hate stickers, that he must be a plant because (a) anyone who has a Trump sticker on their vehicle would have had their windows broken out, (b) the police/secret service 'never' work that..

après donald le déluge

And yet, even by that incredibly bar, what some right-wing pundits have done in the wake of 10 mail pipe bombs being sent to Trump critics, Democratic politicians, party donors and CNN's New York office is astonishing. ..

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