
a guide to major ballot measures in the 2018 midterm elections

Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro offers the hope of Latin American government that will partner with Trump administration to stymie the influence of socialist regimes in the region and back Trump's pro-Israel, anti-Iran push in Middle East, according conservatives... ..!/quality/90/?

pence's little-noticed speech marked a new us realism toward china

Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro offers the hope of Latin American government that will partner with Trump administration to stymie the influence of socialist regimes in the region and back Trump's pro-Israel, anti-Iran push in Middle East, according conservatives... ..!/quality/90/?

making pittsburgh shooting about trump diminishes problem of

Even critics were rushing to make the shooting about President Trump — in some cases, going to the lengths of blaming pro- Israel Jews. The reality is that anti-Semitism is evil that has been with us for thousands of years and, despite the great blessings of freedom and liberty enjoyed..

are we disgusted enough yet?

Unfortunately, their message of sympathy is being undermined by the effort of Israel's top diplomats in U.S to absolve Donald Trump of any responsibility for fomenting atmosphere of right-wing hate and, even more outrageously, to implicate anti-Semitism on the left instead.. For many..

dead jews--what else is new?

[and at the Tony Awards], 'First, I wanna say, 'f – k Trump,' . . . The violent behavior of the fascistic Antifa thugs, who with absurd inaccuracy describe themselves as anti-fascist. . . . ... This is the short list, and the media know all this, but steadfastly fail to cover it because..


Charlie Sykes: Donald Trump’s anti-Semitism problem—and ours . October 30, 2018 . . . . . ..

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