
pelosi: ‘i pray for the president of the united states,’ trump

Trump said. . . ....Democrat leadership is tearing the United States apart, but I will continue to set records for the American People – and Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it! ... Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 22, 2019 . . . . . Pelosi has..!/quality/90/?

beto o'rourke repeats lie about immigrants committing less crime than

The event started with one of those insipid questions from the audience about “restor[ing] global trust in American leadership.” After O’Rourke gave a winding answer about Trump being an “absolute disaster,” he proceeded to play that tried and true great hit accusing Trump of..

comey vs. the world

Now that light has been shed on the state’s efforts to assist Hillary Clinton and undermine Donald Trump, even after the American people elected him president, these players are scrambling for cover and pointing fingers. . ..

war with iran irrational for us

Once again, a potential 'pre-emptive' war beckons in the Middle East, and a leading United States senator is saying an American victory would be quick and easy. ... The Trump administration has been saber-rattling on Iranian issues since day one, and its level of threats have progressively..

xi jinping signals china is preparing for 'long march' in us trade war

Last week, the Trump administration added Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei to a trade blacklist, which prevents the company from buying parts and components from American companies without US government approval. ..

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