monthly review

White Protestant Nation: The Rise of the American Conservative Movement . are among other valuable sources for those wanting to understand what has happened in our country since the Second World War. ... In addition to the tried and true Foundation for Economic Education, the..

comparisons between jews in israel and the u.s.

Many American Jews identify with Jewish denominations that do not have a major presence in Israel, such as the Conservative and Reform movements. ... But the ideological divide between left- and right-leaning Jews in Israel is deeper than the divide between liberal and conservative..

the political typology: beyond red vs. blue

While Solid Liberals, Steadfast Conservatives and Business Conservatives make up only 36% of American public, they represent 43% of registered voters fully 57% of the more engaged segment of American public those. The polarization study found that more Americans today hold liberal or consistently..

james taranto's opinions

Taranto's Revenge (The American Spectator, December) . This time, it was the conservative media's turn to fool ourselves. . ... Tea Hee (The American Spectator, July/August) . A conservative protest movement draws media mockery. . ..

section 2: demographics and american values

This religious conviction does not always mean blacks are more conservative on social issues, however. African American support for gay marriage has grown in recent years, but is still below support among whites (39% of blacks and 47% of whites now favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry..

women with teenage sons and daughters will support brettthe american

In their quest for personal power, riches, and control over all aspects of American civic life, Democrats will equally play dirty tricks on conservative women running for office, bringing up or fabricating events from when they were once teenage girls, charging them from that full basket of..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.