emoluments: an american political tradition

Thomas Jefferson, our third President, was guilty of similar violations while President, selling thousands of barrels of corn, wheat, hogs, and cattle — and buying and selling slaves--at his 5,000-acre plantation at Monticello, outside Charlottesville, Virginia.           . ..

history: after the fall of the berlin wall - newspaper

On November 9, 1989, thousands of people from East Berlin forced the East German security forces to let them cross the wall, leading to the ultimate collapse of the Warsaw Pact. . ... On the positive side, on August 24 this year, thousands of people marched in the East German city of..

nobel prizes in literature: the right winners?

In 1996, when thousands of people from Bosnia to Kosovo were suffering dreadfully, the writer wrote some nonsense in the Süddeutsche Zeitung about an alleged plot by 'the international press' to 'sell the Serbs to readers as the bad guys and the Muslims as eternally good'.” . . . ..

from the bourgeois to the proletarian revolution

And as the best and most honourable of the fighters for a social revolution opposed this, the Bolshevik authorities did not shrink for a minute from throwing them by hundreds and thousands into prisons quite in the bourgeois-capitalist-tsarist manner sending them to Siberia, or condemning them to..

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