a 30-year quest for justice in peru

Her life story is a brutal testament to how the war targeted and traumatized thousands of women who were denied justice in Peruvian courts. . ... During the summer of 2018, thousands of Peruvians flooded the streets of the country’s biggest cities to protest corruption in the judicial..


op-ed: is felony murder the next chapter in the anti-protest movement?

We also saw protests erupt following the election of President Donald Trump when hundreds of thousands of women came together for the 2017 Women’s March, which included a mass action in Washington, D.C., and smaller events in communities across the United States and the world. ..

study: holding grudges poisons us

Tens of thousands of Chinese University students gathered in the ancient Tiananmen Square in Beijing, using Hu’s funeral as a chance to rally together in their calls for reforms and freedom. ... He added: “One thousand survivors were told they could escape via Zhengyi Lu [a pedestrian..


The Arabic-language website of Sputnik news agency quoted Mahmoud Salih as saying that nearly 60,000 people were stationed Rukban camp at the border with Iraq, and the number has decreased to 45,000 after thousands of them managed to flee the region.. ..

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