
trump to let states overhaul medicaid for the poor, seeking

Thursday's move is the latest example of Trump administration efforts to overhaul Obamacare after Republican-controlled Senate failed to pass legislation to do so in 2017.. ... The change proposed by Trump administration would mean the government gives states set amount of..

chief justice john roberts does nothing, rand paul objects

I understand this to be Rand Paul's attempt to discredit the whistleblower as someone exercising vendetta rather than attempt to mount defense of Trump... I think that the whistleblower is someone that will allow Republicans to paint the worse, impeachment where opposition to Trump's..

president trump signs usmca

Trump today signed United States- Mexico- Canada Agreement, replacing North American Free Trade Agreement, with improved access to both markets for U.S farmers and ranchers... ... Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and its members hailed today's signing of bill to implement United States- Mexico-..

top story 135

President Donald Trump pumps his fist during event at White House, Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020, Washington... ... But Trump and other critics said NAFTA encouraged factories to leave United States and south of the border to take advantage of low-wage Mexican labor.. ..

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Trump recognizes it's time for new approach to achieve peace, security, dignity, and opportunity for Israel and Palestinian people... 25 January, 2020 Business, News, Trade. ... Statement from President Trump Regarding Executive Order to Impose Sanctions with Respect to Additional..

un / palestine mansour reax

We have agreed to start plan to confront this scheme, the scheme of Trump and Netanyahu. ... Palestinian ambassador told reporters that President Abbas would be attending Ministerial meeting of Arab League this Saturday Cairo to discuss Trump administration's plan... ..

With U.S presidential primaries around the corner, the leading Democratic presidential candidates, using language, have all slammed Trump peace plan unveiled Tuesday as cynical charade that would make Israeli- Palestinian worse, not better.. ... It's true that Sanders used the language of any of..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.