
in senate impeachment trial, trump’s power must be curtailed

It's clear from listening to the case made in Senate by President Trump's lawyers that their defense of his conduct relies on highly assertion of power. ... Conservatives willing to cede such power to Trump will suffer when Barack Obama takes office with free hand and iron fist... ..

» mass rallies in several countries in protest of trump

The comments are at odds with Trump's plan, denying Palestinian refugees their right of return shrinking their borders within West Bank while legitimizing Israeli settlements that are illegal under international law.. It does apportion two bubble-like areas of Negev desert to the future state of..

the many polarizations of america

And this pattern of defeat is responsible, he implies, for Trumpian turn Trump-era conservatives are embracing the logic of the new one, choosing white-identity politics because in the new dispensation that began in 1964, group identities are the only ones that count.. ..

why john bolton won’t win
his war on trump

Lindsey Graham, chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee and Trump ally, warned on Fox News. By so many outlets during the past, Indeed, this adjective has been used so frequently48 hours about Schiff's soporific speeches that cynic might draw the conclusion that it came straight out of..

the democrats won't defeat trumpism

Americans should have fathomed the depth of Trump would cause in 2016, and many chose denial, ridiculing those. ... Hundreds of thousands took to the in protest of Trump's child kidnapping, repeating actions like Women's Marches that drew millions. ..

iran is not responsible for us deaths in iraq

By the vastly more powerful, Trump administration belligerence vis-à-vis Iran is, thus, classic Instead of non-existing WMDs, this time it's charges of terrorist crimes committed by Iran, while the many years of crimes done United States are ignored.. But in the context of the fever vis-a-vis..

against trump's plan! for "two states"!

The internationalist left will mobilise solidarity with movements like Standing Together, against Trump plan, and for authentic two states settlement allowing self-determination to both Israeli- Jewish and Palestinian peoples.. ... Israeli government will use it as license to annex lot of West..

how the world is reacting to trump's middle east plan

President Donald Trump's Middle East plan on Tuesday prompted lukewarm response from Europe and the UN, and furious rebuke from key Muslim countries. ... Trump's proposals on the basis of its commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution that takes into account the legitimate..

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