
republicans block bill requiring candidates to report foreign

The Mueller into Russian with Trump campaign found Russians intervened in the election to help Trump win. Mueller did not accuse Trump of colluding with Russians.. Democrats accused Trump of threatening the security of the election by declaring in ABC News interview..!/quality/90/?

mccarthy: i would send foreign dirt on political opponents 'to the

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stood behind President Trump Thursday after the suggestion that he would be open to foreign dirt on his political opponents sparked outrage on Capitol Hill... ... The California Republican dodged questions pressing him on whether Trump set the right..!/quality/90/?

swing states: biden dominates, trump’s reelection in trouble

He provided the polling on Trump's approval ratings and Democratic primaries to Secrets.. ... In the survey of Trump's approval ratings, except South Carolina, base of support.. ..

new york times’ halbfinger doubles down on bias

Pressured by Trump administration, confronted with Israeli talk of annexing West Bank, isolated in Arab world and running out of money, Palestinian Authority is staring at what its new prime minister acknowledges could be its own demise.. ... Trump's top lawyer and supporter of Israeli..

capitalism versus democracy

Phrased differently, if Democrats cared about ‘defeating Trump,’ they would offer programs that people want. But they are so firmly in the grip of corporate interests and the oligarchs that they won’t do so. ..

the external roots of spygate

Over the past three years, MSM has done job brainwashing its audience into believing that Putin preferred, supported, or even colluded with Trump in the 2016 elections The ideation of Putin- Trump association and of Russian on Trump's behalf came from Western Europe. ... Media..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/rebjqajm2yuydvcljufo.jpg

kellyanne conway violated the hatch act—here's what that means

Yesterday afternoon, Office of Special Counsel advised that President Trump fire Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, after several violations of Hatch Act. Conway's violations, if left unpunished, send message to all federal employees that they need not abide by Hatch Act's restrictions,..

the crisis of liberalism

The victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016, despite the opposition of the entire mass media, was another example of sober of capitalism losing out to cannon. ... By promoting the contradictory of the capitalist system which is discredited in the eyes of millions of people, Hillary..

a grotesque political party

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is leaving White House at the end of the month, Trump says 15 replies. White House press Sarah Huckabee Sanders will leave the job at the end of the month, President Donald Trump said Thursday. ..

china turns its anger on 'cold war warrior' pompeo

One foreign source told Reuters that China was responding to the harder line coming out of State Department on China, and might be testing the waters to try to work out whether this was also representative of what Trump thought, especially ahead of G20 meeting later this month.. ..

iran spurns japan's efforts for mediation with us

Among the leaders of countries with close ties to United States, Abe is the first to have met with Khamenei since Trump abrupt from the nuclear in 2018.. ... Rouhani called for the lifting of oil sanctions by United States and asked Abe to inform Trump of its demand, Iranian source..


After 2 years, our Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving White House at the end of the month and going home to Great State of Arkansas, Trump tweeted, ... Sanders has been part of Trump's administration becoming press July of that year after Sean Spicer stepped down from the position.. ..

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