woman indicted in theft from 2017 portland women's march

Brewis was organizer of January 2017 march, in which thousands protested the inauguration of President Donald Trump.. Event Margaret Jacobsen said on Facebook that Brewis agreed to have PDX Trans Pride act as fiscal sponsor so Women's March could collect tax-deductible donations and..

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Flood goes on to describe President Trump's with the special counsel, including his decision not to invoke privilege over any presumptively privileged portions of Mueller report.. ..


evan horowitz: trump's immigration crackdown will make america's

By more oversight of their level of education, In fact, it might be possible to take Trump administration's tightened control over the nation's borders and use that to build immigration system that is at once more generous and more targeted — allowing for many more entrants accompanied, skills,..

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In criticizing the 'free trade delusion, UNCTAD's 2018 proposes alternative to both nationalism, revived by President Trump, and the cosmopolitanism of neoliberal recent decades by revisiting Havana Charter on its 70th anniversary... ..

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Donald Trump, briefly appeared to consider joining the accord again... Economic History Shows Why Trump's 'America First Tariff Policy Is So Dangerous. ..

is the iran nuclear deal doomed?

By its own rules at the expense of peace, Trump's pullout breached it — how the US operates time and again, stability, and the rights of sovereign nations, independent ones like Iran targeted for regime change.. ... Virtually all other EU companies reacted the same way, fearing loss of access..

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