making globalism great again

Trump green-lit the coup being staged by Venezuelan opposition, and which is U.S operation, or, rather, operation. ... Trump, Brexit, the so-called new populism. these are the death throes of sovereignty, like the thrashing of suffocating fish before you whack it and drop it in..

don’t sleep on “spartacus”

Barack Obama and Donald Trump did. Other times the candidate falls short, but only after exceeding expectations and, to one degree of another, giving more heralded candidates a scare. ... Trump is 6′3.″ Obama is 6′1.″ Bill Clinton is 6’2.” We haven’t elected a president under..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/adkannbqva4ltgl0thng.jpg

donald trump's sotu, aoc, and the history of red baiting

When Trump and his supporters say we’re not going “back” to socialism, I don’t know what they’re talking about, because there never was a time in American history when the United States was socialist. ... I think that the Republican party thinks that this is going to be effective, because..


Omar and Tlaib’s support for BDS comes at a time when President Donald Trump has stepped up ties with Israel and stopped Palestinian aide. . ..

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