
byron york: from fishy beginning, mueller case against michael flynn

Army general, 2017, to lying to FBI in Trump- Russia investigation. Citing Flynn's substantial assistance to the investigation, Mueller recommended sentence at the low end of the guideline range — including sentence that does not impose period of incarceration... ..!/quality/90/?

mike pompeo links trump to george h.w. bush, reunification of

BRUSSELS — President Trump stands in the tradition of President George H.W. ... Pompeo's Tuesday elaborated on the personal respect that Trump, who clashed with Jeb Bush and criticized former President George W. ..

u.s. gives russia 60 days to comply with nuclear treaty

President Donald Trump’s stated aim to withdraw from it. . Russia denies undertaking any such development of land-based, intermediate-range Cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads and hitting European cities at short notice. . ... A U.S. exit from the INF treaty would put another..

gassing migrants

Trump administration and its apologists are quick to point out that Barack Obama was as willing as Donald Trump to tear-gas desperate people trying to protect themselves by crossing America's southern border. ... After all, Latin America, and Trump has staked his life on..

just how corrupt is the american soul?

He goes on to point out that most of those who hold this view also believe that President Donald Trump and his policies and practices cannot be representative of American values.. ... Dabashi goes on to point out that Democratic Party, the political party now opposing President Trump,..

who are xi jinping’s enemies?

While Xi's status as core of the party, the commander, and pathfinder for the people does not seem to have been challenged by the multi-pronged attacks launched by US President Donald Trump, there is little doubt that his enemies in the party and government have multiplied. ..

threat of nuke war with russia greatest in 50 years

Cohen says that the threat of war with Russia is the greatest it has been in over 50 years as result of President Trump not being able to talk with Vladimir Putin due to Russiagate allegations.. ... For the time since President Eisenhower, president of United States, Donald Trump, is..

new jersey ag assails 'harebrained' federal immigration policies

But, Grewal added, efforts by attorneys-general to fight Trump initiatives in federal court are likely to become more difficult as the administration attempts to fill judicial vacancies at the district or appeal court levels with judges more favorable to its ideological point of view.. ..!/quality/90/?

paul manafort may not be saved by supreme court ruling against 'double

double jeopardy case set to be argued at Supreme Court on Thursday has led to speculation about the impact ruling could have on prosecutions stemming from special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation, including that of former Trump Paul Manafort.. ..

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