
trump talked to white house counsel about having doj

Following the request, memo cautioning Trump against ordering Justice Department to investigate anyone. ... It's not clear whether Trump read the memo or continued to press his aides further about prosecuting Clinton and Comey, ... ..!/quality/90/?

senate democrats condemn trump decision not to punish saudi

I'm shocked that President Trump said there will be no punishment for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, ment released after Trump announced his decision to sidestep punishment... ... Under Donald Trump's reasoning, there is no Saudi Arabia can..

at halifax forum, allies mourn pre-trump america

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres announced that the first country to meet its Paris-climate-accord goals will be United States of America — despite Trump withdrawing from the accords and the government acting hostility to them. ... were those successes overshadowed by..

the gop agenda for the next two yearsthe american spectator

The chairman of House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Adam Schiff, will exaggerate Russian collusion narrative and is already spreading the conspiracy theory that Russians may have laundered money through Trump organization, and if that's the case, then we need to be able to look into it... .....

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