how world war 2 happened – the manila times

European parliamentarians demanding that Russia stop its efforts aimed at distorting historical facts and promoting the thesis that Poland, Baltic countries and West started the war. ... At its inception, it consisted of 10 former Soviet Republics Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,..

the world demands us out of the middle east

The military alliance developing between China, Russia, and Iran is another major threat to US domination.  Iran, China, and Russia held joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, a normal military exchange that reflected the nations will and capabilities to maintain peace and security, just..

foreign interference in u.s. elections is even worse than you thought

That non-acceptance has been supplemented by some commentators on a different part of the political spectrum who are justifiably worried about anti-Trump sentiment encouraging elevated tension with Russia but who unjustifiably move from that worry to denial of the fact of Russian interference. . . ..

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