us enemies and the lawless ‘rule of law’

‘Stopping Putin and Russia’ is her justification, as always the official Enemy since armed Russia resistance against NATO expansion over its traditional borders through Ukraine. . ... The Orwellian Master Pattern From China to Venezuela to Iran and Russia . ..

april 1917: how lenin rearmed

The specific feature of Russia is that the country ispassingfrom the first stage of the revolution, to itssecond stage. Lenin emphasized the necessity for the independence of the working class as condition for it being in position to play Russia's revolution.. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/fnhr4zjrdwwfwpkvbykv.jpg

us withdraws from inf nuclear weapons treaty with russia

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just announced that U.S will withdraw from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces with Russia, agreement first signed in 1987 that helped protect the world from nuclear war... Pompeo claimed that Russia can still destroy the missiles and launchers that U.S says..

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