
a year to 2020 u.s. election, the fight for the jewish vote begins -

Republican Jewish Coalition released its first ad of the election cycle Monday, ments by leading Democratic presidential candidates that favor limiting or conditioning U.S military aid to Israel. skip - Republican Jewish Coalition ad Republican Jewish Coalition ad - דלג.. ... ..

paul adams

Paul Adams is professor emeritus of social work at University of Hawai'i, and was professor and associate dean of academic affairs at Case Western Reserve University. ..

california fight for trump tax returns goes to state high court

Republican Party has not suffered actual or imminent harm, that would warrant ruling to block the law, ... ... By reducing the likelihood that, Indeed, the proverbial 'elephant in the room is that Legislature and governor have, through Elections Code provisions enacted via S.B 27, attempted to..!/quality/90/?

gender chasm: trump even to biden among men but trailing by 31 points

President Trump will do better among in 2020 and new poll indicates female voters may desert him, backing Joe Biden by 31 points, while Trump runs even with his Democratic challenger among men.. ..

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