
devin nunes says 3 groups need to be examined to understand origins of

During Sunday on Fox News, Republican said Justice Department, needs to determine the intersection of FBI, Hillary Clinton's and Fusion GPS, and group of people at Cambridge University London... ..

pack the court? liberals, conservatives fight over supreme court size

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell refused even to hold a hearing on Garland's nomination, and the vacancy lasted until Trump's election. . . . ... Liberal advocacy groups pushing initiatives such as Medicare for All and a Green New Deal now see their chances blocked not only by a..

americans didn't need the original "new deal"

Authored by Laurence Vance via The Future of Freedom Foundation, We have heard much this year about how much the country needs Green New Deal to reverse the negative effects of climate change, ensure security, revamp the transportation system, restore damaged ecosystems, secure environment, and achieve..

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