president trump signs usmca

Trump today signed United States- Mexico- Canada Agreement, replacing North American Free Trade Agreement, with improved access to both markets for U.S farmers and ranchers... ..

trump’s embrace of apartheid was brought to you by the organized

So Netanyahu lectured Obama about the 1967 lines, humiliating the president at the White House, and Obama vetoed the very thing he said he was for, a resolution against settlements at the UN Security Council, and J Street changed its campaign from opposing settlements outright to, Let’s..

more fallout from trump's scheme of the century

The unacceptable scheme is further proof of a geopolitical know-nothing US president — on top of his contempt for ordinary people everywhere, concerned only about power politics and self-enrichment. . Polls so far show no bump for Netanyahu after the scheme’s unveiling, his Likud party..

to keep the rohingya alive

difficulty arises in separate issue ICC Chief Prosecutor has decided there is grounds to pursue war crimes committed Israel and awaits Court's sureness that it has the jurisdiction to do so. On November 20th the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK filed Buenos Aires Argentina against Aung San Suu..

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