in venezuela, the end game approaches

The U.S. and 50 or so other nations have recognized Juan Guaido, President of the National Assembly, as interim president of Venezuela. (He has declared himself interim president, and has a colorable right to do so under Venezuela’s constitution.) . ..

federal judge finds male-only military draft unconstitutional

The draft, ended during the final stages of Vietnam War in 1973, and all American men ages 18 to 26 are still required to register with Selective Service System so the military could move if it ever needed to reinstate conscription.. Miller, who was appointed to the court by President..

how to rate a trump challenger

There could be some similar nobodies running against Trump in 2020 — besides the president, 70 Republicans have so far filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run for president. ... No primary challenger has ever defeated an incumbent president in the..

how america's dictatorship works

So, it’s understandable why not only America’s Democratic Party billionaires but also many of America’s Republican Party billionaires want President Trump to become replaced ASAP by his V.P., President Pence, who has a solid record of doing only whatever his big donors want him to do. ..

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