bernie sanders cannot save us

That being said, if Sanders does run for president, he should do so as an independent. ... So, even if the reader might believe President Bernie Sanders could bring us back from the precipice we find ourselves on the edge of, the very nature of the US economic and..

how the iraq war destabilized the entire middle east

Miller had front page article the Times on September 8, 2002, ing that Saddam was seeking specially designed aluminum tubes to enrich uranium, the so-called smoking gun.   Several days later, President Bush inserted the Times  claim in his speech to United Nations General Assembly.. ..


The president didn't actually say so, explicitly, but he spoke as though those weapons were a reality. . ... Here's another one: The president said the U.S. invasion of Iraq was undertaken to defend the credibility of the United Nations, since it was the U.N. ..

road to immirgration reform - opinion

That is the straight truth and I think Ronald Reagan would have the integrity with the benefit of history to tell us so. . ... Board president for La Casa de Amistad and immigration attorney . Q. How do you see the proposed reforms helping or hurting U.S. immigrants? ..

public opinion six months later

In Campaign 2000 nearly one-third of voters said that who’s elected president is not so important. ... So are ratings for Congress and even President Bush. But the president is still rated positively by nearly eight-in-ten Americans and gets an extraordinary 63% approval..

religious freedom for me, but not for thee

Like so much of the current political climate under President Trump, the administration is not defending a neutral constitutional principle — religious liberty — for all people, but rather only for those who share the administration’s political perspective. ..

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