the right of return and the one state solution

The solution is call for the fusion and dissolution of two nationalities for the political, and the elimination of both Hebrew Israeli and Palestinian Arab identities and its replacement with new, previously nonexistent and unknown, nationality. ... And it's as Trojan horse that this demand for..

america’s jewish left just declared war on israel -

After years of spin and lies about what it would mean to create a Palestinian state, it’s important to understand where Israel actually stands on the issue. ... His recognition of Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the truth about both the Palestinian Authority and Palestine refugees has..


Settler Kills Palestinian Woman in Vehicular Attack in Bethlehem . TEHRAN (FNA)- A Jewish settler driving a heavy truck ran over a Palestinian lady and killed her on a road in Teqoa town in Bethlehem on Thursday morning. . . . . ..

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