
trump recommends congressional investigations into obama

In 2017, Barack and Michelle Obama signed joint book deal worth reported $65 million. ... Trump, 73, called for subpoenas of Obama's book July to counteract Democratic investigations into his businesses... ..!/quality/90/?

the left is laying the groundwork to reopen the fbi investigation into

They viewed Justice Neil Gorsuch's seat as 'stolen' because Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had successfully blocked Barack Obama's nominee to replace Antonin Scalia, Merrick Garland, by denying him a hearing or vote. ..

bernie sanders’s anti-semitic surrogate

Trump recommends congressional . investigations into Obama family . book and Netflix deals 0 replies . ... Look at the Obama Book Deal, or the ridiculous Netflix deal. Then look at all the deals made by the Dems in Congress, the 'Congressional . . ..

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