the external roots of spygate

Over the past three years, MSM has done job brainwashing its audience into believing that Putin preferred, supported, or even colluded with Trump in the 2016 elections The ideation of Putin- Trump association and of Russian on Trump's behalf came from Western Europe. ..

a phantom campaign – ridenbaugh press/publishing

Shorter version: It makes sound strategic sense for the Trump campaign to hold those states if it can, but also find other places to make up votes in other places (that went Democratic last time) if it can’t. . So it makes sense to be looking at “blue” states to flip. Some of the..

a grotesque political party

Beyond the confines of Democrat Party the reaction to Biden's candidacy is, Is this joke... Beyond the confines of Democrat Party the reaction to Biden's candidacy is, Is this joke... ..!/quality/90/?

julián castro rips republican defense of trump's foreign dirt

By indicating he would be open to receiving foreign dirt on his opponents, Julián Castro claimed Thursday that President Trump is prioritizing his own political interests over national security... ..

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