culture and community

Over at Democrat State Radio the shock of the wrap-up of Mueller investigation has set in.. ... The Democrat and media tactics and goal posts shifting and the goal of unwinding the election remains.. ..

john baden, ph.d.

Over at Democrat State Radio the shock of the wrap-up of Mueller investigation has set in.. ... The media and Democrat Party have dug themselves so deeply in hole, they must keep on digging. ..

it all went wrong in the 1970s

The 1970s also saw the beginnings of Democratic Party's lurch to the right, as the establishment sought to distance from both New Left and from Lyndon Johnson's mixed legacy of Great Society and Vietnam War. ..

politics getting worse?

In their concern that democracy work well enough to give them freedom to exploit the land and labour of others, and not to give the mass of the population any ideas about improving their lot at their expense, the propertied interests. ..

the "neos": neoliberalism, neoconservatism

That that turned out to be a disaster for the truly disadvantaged—with no one besides themselves to speak up on behalf of anti-poverty programs, those programs proved all too easy to eliminate, not by a Republican but by a Democrat—seems not to have much troubled the sleep of neoliberalism. .....

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.