a brief history of the theory trump and barr use to resist

Thus, under Framer's plan, the determination whether the President is making decisions based on 'improper motives or whether he is 'faithfully discharging his responsibilities is left to the People, through the election process, and Congress, through the Impeachment process, Barr wrote. ..

furore over psc decision

The Public Service Commission's decision to recruit 9,161 employees for local levels as demanded by Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration led to protests in the streets of Kathmandu and angered provincial governments with Province government threatening to take the issue to the court.. ..

all institutions vs us: rahul

By those supposed to protect democracy, Rahul Gandhi on Saturday underscored that the principle of having level playing field had been violated in Lok Sabha elections, saying Congress leaders should be proud that they fought not just one political party but every in this country... ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.